Scroll smooth gsap

Scroll smooth gsap. We'll cover smooth scrolling with Lenis, parallax effects and pinning sections Mar 3, 2020 · Manel May. Also your ScrollSmoother config is not the correct one. Maybe try using the refresh event handler to update or re-create your smooth scroll: Mar 27, 2023 · That's relatively easy to do, of course, but the smoothing just knows that it must smooth the "catch up" to that new (native) scroll position. 12. 11 works fine (I tested with the 3. 1 Link to comment May 21, 2021 · The reason ASScroll works in those edge cases like when hovering over an iframe or using the middle mouse button to scroll, is the same reason the GSAP smooth scroll implementation also works (as far as I can see). If I don't specify the scroller with scrollerProxy (and "scroller:" in gsap animation code), the start and end values don't exactly match (they almost match from what I can see) and whole website gets choppy and framrate drops a lot. currentTime is using scroll speed to update video. Look at the demo Jonathan posted above. However it's a quite expensive one. I have the most common setup for scrolling and there are also several swiper sliders on the page. Select all elements with the class "panel" and stores them in an array called sections. - When you arrive at the section, the scroll switches to horizontal mode (that's done). If you prefer to use a different library for smooth scrolling, that's fine but we can't support 3rd party libraries here. This demo provides some info about how you should encode your video. Have two videos, one forward and one in reverse, and depending on scroll direction it switches between them using 'autoAlpha'. Mikel was demonstrating that you can have a different ease for scrolling up and down if you'd like to. Here are some suggestions: Make sure you're loading ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother, and the main GSAP file. I want to do this for all pages's elements. addEventListener("click", ScrollTrigger. It uses native scroll technology to avoid most of the accessibility issues that plague other smooth-scrolling libraries. "none" means a linear scroll, resulting in constant speed as you scroll. Aug 16, 2022 · button. Though if I use the scroll bar, the background images do not move, only the image in the foreground. Normal effect; See the Pen rNzyRZq by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen See the Pen LYOgBjZ by sukruemanet (@sukruemanet) on CodePen May 9, 2020 · GSAP ; Smooth Page Scrolling Search Community. Regardless I am still locking for a wait to have a smooth scroll while being able to use everything else that gsap offers. Mar 10, 2022 · isProxyScrolling = true; // otherwise, if snapping was applied (or anything that attempted to SET the scroll proxy's scroll position), we'd set the scroll here which would then (on the next tick) update the content tween/ScrollTrigger which would try to smoothly animate to that new value, thus the scrub tween would impede the progress. GSAP should do a paid smooth-scroll plugin for mouse-wheels, they'd make a small fortune Thanks for the above. app/Just fork to have the starter projecthttps://github. I don't think there's any logical way around that. With this property, we can make the third circle in our previous demo the trigger point for the animation. getVelocity(); Previous. I'm currently learning and using Framer Motion for my animations in React and I couldn't find any good smooth Learn how to add smooth scrolling to your website while still being able to access the power of ScrollTrigger. refresh); }); About External Resources. - If you scroll up again and then try scrolling down it also plays through all slides to the bottom without pausing like it does when scrolling up. A depth of 5 will move 250px. scrollerProxy () to keep ScrollTrigger and Smooth Scrollbar in sync. The zoom works as long, but with json I need the locations. The issues include: Pinned elements jumping or resizing once pinned. I use smooth-scrollbar. 3 yr ZachSaucier changed the title to Scrub through video smoothly - ScrollTrigger. Specify the easing function for the animation. The use of React JS, styled-components, and other libraries for a fast, efficient, and user-friendly experience. Jul 2, 2017 · That is smooth scroll the whole page content with TweenMax but having different scroll speed on different elements. In the homepage if you start to scroll, in the section after the landing section you can see the white text in the red background flickers as you scroll. ScrollTrigger. Nov 16, 2022 · The automatically assigned class name of has-smooth-scroll on the page’s html tag needs a backface-visibility of hidden and a transform of translateZ(0) Gsap Scroll Animation. css'. Jul 11, 2021 · I'm trying to get the custom scroll from my codepen to work with scrolltrigger. Feb 12, 2023 · Now I have put the project on my notebook to present it next week. . 1. Phani. If it didn't defer, you'd lose momentum scrolling and you'd see a jump anyway, it'd just be mid-scroll. Whichever library you choose, the important thing is to select the Apr 15, 2021 · When the browser is resized the 'viewport' of the scroller shrinks. SmoothScrollbar version: 8. And have a look at this pen for a smooth scrolling solution together with scrollTrigger. And calculating the outer window height in javascript didn't help 😕. smoothScrollOptions = {. I have also added a scrolltrigger for each box and all markers are aligned correctly even with the smooth scrolling. Results is smoother using playbackRate, BUT the Oct 30, 2022 · hi. Hey ScrollTrigger, whenever you want to get or set the scrollTop on the body, use these methods instead. No Sep 8, 2023 · I need to include a booking form in my website, which adds an iframe with dynamic heights. I try to use an horizontal scroll. 2k. Dec 10, 2020 · The trigger property is used to specify the point we want our animation to start. We didn't build ScrollTrigger to do scroll-jacking (which is what smooth scrolling requires), but it's entirely possible to leverage it to create similar effects. when #formsection is taller than the height of the screen ( 100vh ) the code above is working as expected but when it is Aug 1, 2022 · Hello I am new to using GSAP 3 ScrollTrigger. I am sorry that it was difficult to navigate the demo. They’ve got docs and a bunch of examples. addEventListener ('click', => {gsap. Oct 22, 2017 · And then create a smooth scroll instance. Big picture is you'd have a variable to keep track of the scroll position and update that variable when the user scrolls or a button is clicked. The ScrollTrigger-native approach does contain detailed comments in the JS for how to set up things for it to work - if you follow those ( and that includes the HTML markup and 1. link/templates 🍉 Portfolio Jan 16, 2023 · New Shockingly Green member and diving in the deep end with ScrollTrigger and Scroll Smoother amongst other things. When you scroll down to the page animation feels like laggy or working a bit slowly specially if you scroll faster you will see it stuck into the page sometimes. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself. module. js plugin (https:// Unique and stylish design that showcases the fashion studio’s products. smooth-scroll"}) See the Pen abVxRqm by GreenSock ( @GreenSock) on CodePen. When the website is loaded the smooth scroll works as expected, the scrollbar start at the top of the document (start-picture. So I assume the problem don't come from Lenis not returning the good scroll value, since it works fine with older versions of gsap. to(myDiv, { duration: 2, scrollTo: 250 }); You can define an x or y value or both (to scroll on both the x and y axis). youtube. Once the page has been scrolled to the far right of the 6th section, enable vertical scrolling again (but this time shifted over by 100vw Dec 15, 2023 · Initiating Smooth Scroll: I need guidance on correctly initiating smooth scroll, considering I'm using setTimeout and multiple GSAP tweens. php` page and there is no issue with scrolling if I clicking on the menu then it's targeting the right id. Given ScrollMagic hijacks normal scroll behavior, I'm guessing most smooth scroll scripts won't be compatible. Or Zach as you are the master of GSAP. We created a ScrollTrigger method to make it possible to use 3rd party Mar 7, 2022 · You can use selector text like "#elementID" or the element itself. querySelectorAll(". Now animate the y position of your content based on the scroll position of the page. Smooth animations and scrolling effects using gsap, framer-motion, and locomotive-scroll. If you need to do scroll jacking, just hide the scroll bar. I'm trying to figure out why adding a fixed height to the body is making that happen. Jun 22, 2020 · ScrollTrigger. Sep 30, 2020 · How you encode the video has huge implications on the playback ability of video. 17 minutes ago, iDad5 said: Äh - thinking of it what kink of fairy-dust is this, you're using @Cassie 'scroll-behavior: smooth' is according to the thread set directly on the May 29, 2023 · The attached codepen is just a sample of the type of velocity scrolling we're doing, now we're just looking to implement buttery-smooth snapping like in that blobmixer site. 6167. I would like to start the animation on all the elements as soon as they enter Sep 14, 2023 · That most likely has to do with the calculations being made for your smooth scroll functionality and the pin space added by GSAP in order to pin the horizontal section. Apr 26, 2020 · Trying to do a video scroller that instead of using scroll position to update video. Emily. Responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes and devices. Jan 6, 2023 · Sorry. It's because the tween that makes it look like smooth scrolling is actually moving the container around. Oct 23, 2020 · Thank you Jack, To answer some of your concerns: 1. The GSAP version looks like it listens to the `scroll` window event and updates the transform accordingly. The main goal is to achieve smoothness. 2. Posted April 19, 2019. page. All the three columns you have there have different heights and the trigger and end trigger elements are different so that messes the calculations. Feb 24, 2020 · So how do you prevent the browser from scrolling the content? Position your content in a fixed container, and set the height of the body equal to the height of your content. I have three pages which are `menu. - I want to change the image in the same position with a smooth effect on scroll down. All good so far with the burger animation and the scroll trigger square in Jan 5, 2023 · It's only available for Club GreenSock members, though ("Shockingly Green" and higher). ScrollTrigger video: https://www. box1') in the codepen example but there could be many. Hi all, I'm experiencing an issue with Locomotive Scroll + GSAP ScrollTrigger. Nov 13, 2015 · I've made a parallax website and added smooth scrolling to it with the mousewheel, and that all works fine. Aug 3, 2022 · 10. To tween the content of a div, make sure you've set the overflow: scroll on the div and then: //scroll to 250 pixels down from the top of the content in the div. If you are looking for a flexible and customisable solution, Locomotive-scroll might be the best choice. – Zach Saucier. png) 2. I've been doing further research, and I think it's going to be more of a long-term learning curve to get that type of effect :). Everywhere; This Forum; This Topic; Topics; Members; Smooth Page Scrolling. this pen explores how gsap ScrollTrigger's scroller Aug 5, 2019 · If you'd like the eases to be the same scrolling both up and down, then just put something like TweenLite. g. scrollTrigger. 4. Like in the example the image, the title and the content all moving to different scroll speeds. Yippee! Not working: - Automatically plays through each slide to the bottom on window load instead of waiting for the scroll. Explore All Showcases. - And most importantly, when each card passes the horizontal center of the section, it is given the class ". Mar 4, 2020 · Alternatively you could do both the smooth scroll and scrolling to position using GSAP by way of a proxy. import { useEffect } from 'react'; 3. Pinning Elements: I'm trying to pin elements in a way that replicates fixed positions, but I encounter a jumping effect. Mar 30, 2022 · Cassie Evans joins us to show us the new features that come with GSAP 3. I scroll a bit down on the document and then I minimize/resize it. Oct 22, 2017 · Warning: Please note. I am really stuck into this from last couple of days. Demo section of the library can explain better what I am saying. Jan 2, 2021 · Part 2: Start and end. scrollTop: Math. ScrollSmoother is a members-only benefit of Club GSAP but you're welcome to use a Jun 25, 2023 · The page component is the parent of the other 3 components. 10/10*500=500. Jul 31, 2020 · Here is a suggested solution with the use of smooth-scrollbar (see bottom of this post) @karaulovskin The thing with smooth-scrolling libraries, like smooth-scrollbar (don't know about ASScroll - but from what I have read somewhere in this forum, I think it might be easier to handle) is, that they pretty much change everything about the browser-implemented scrolling. Jan 18, 2016 · There isn't much GSAP can do to help how Flash chooses to render your animations. 👋 Check out my latest templates - https://robn. . I partly use data-lag, pinned elements and a smooth effect with 1 second of lag. extra-long-container' which as the name suggests is very long horizontally ( Width: 7000px ). Using Locomotive. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. It's very cool. to(smoother, {. Feb 28, 2022 · Hello, I want to add an effect like this to the project, but it doesn't work when I use it with smooth scroll. Sep 25, 2020 · Hello again, I've been using GSAP3' ScrollTrigger plugin for a little while now and managed to make the skew on scroll effect work, which I really enjoyed using. Posted. This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. php, terms. The problem is I don't know what Jun 7, 2018 · Hello, I am using Greensock animation for smooth scroll clicking on the menu. When it is at that limit, if the user continues to scroll, disable the original scroll behavior and start scrolling horizontally instead. Apr 23, 2021 · ScrollTrigger waits until scrolling finishes to do a ScrollTrigger. app/ . Additional Information: Gulp version: 4. Jan 20, 2020 · While that's acceptable on desktop (since it's manually triggered), triggering a resize each time the user changes the scroll direction on mobile (ie an automatic window resize) would make for a frustrating user experience on mobile. Jul 23, 2020 · Hi Federica, we went through GSAP only smooth scrolling in another forum thread. May 17, 2022 · Animation not working perfectly. Oct 10, 2022 · It's pretty tough to troubleshoot without a minimal demo - the issue could be caused by CSS, markup, a third party library, your browser, an external script that's totally unrelated to GSAP, etc. php`. Nov 4, 2020 · Pls share here. You need to use the ScrollTrigger. The RTX2060 graphics card is running at about 50% when I scroll the page. I'm trying to create a burger menu that opens up a nav, reveals a link and then once clicked closes the menu and scrolls to the corresponding section. Nov 12, 2020 · I have the same issue of text flickering on scroll in the website https://jovial-fox-cfe5c4. ScrollTrigger is an official GreenSock plugin for GSAP. Myself and many others around here would warmly encourage you to move away from Flash. netlify. Aug 3, 2023 · The problem here are the heights of the elements you want to pin. And i would like to switch horizontal<=>vertical on resize. Animate the xPercent property of the sections. refresh(), so maybe that's when you're seeing a jump. For some reason, my wordpress site plays smooth scrolling at 10-25 fps. animating a timeline based on scroll position). Finally figured out how to do those "fixed" background image scroll thingys, so here's a smooth scrolled section thing with some randomized letter opacity animations. I forgot to add content underneath the hero section so you could scroll. 5. What I wanted to do it replicate the same smooth scrolling that's on the mousewheel, onto the scrollbar on the right hand side. 21. So I added the code below to fix this. You might consider using ScrollTrigger's pin instead of fixed positions, or move any fixed-position elements outside of the ScrollSmoother containers, but that may complicate things as well. to (Smooth, {scrollTop: Smooth. 'use client'; 2. I would like the horizontal scroll only for min-width > 1024px, and vertical scroll for max-width = 1024px. Jul 24, 2019 · I went through greensock forum to find solution for smooth scrolling, and it was mostly Blake's codepen solution which pretty much worked as I want, however I was wondering would they work with scrollmagic? What exactly I mean is, I want to trigger gsap animations on element when they scroll into view, and for this I use scrollmagic. Nov 29, 2022 · Solution 1 : don't work, the latest beta have the same issue, runing my code with versions before 3. js my goal is to achieve smooth scroll to the bottom of the footer (that works) and then (after the user scrolls once up on the footer element) go back to the view where top of the footer is right at the bottom of the viewport. No issue on the index page. active". ScrollSmoother is very nicely integrated with the GSAP ecosystem. Jul 31, 2020 · Hi, Smooth Scrollbar can work with ScrollTrigger. As soon as I add a "data-scroll-speed" to an element which is different from 0 it seems like the trigger is completely off and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. There's actually no content being scrolled, yet the scroll bar behaves normally, even with touch. Now I am on `index. gsap. I have only placed one box ( '. I thinks it is the best library for smooth scroll purpose as it provides the perfect balance between regular smooth scroll like asscroll and locomotive. ScrollTrigger, Flip. to (action, 1, {progress:progress, ease: Power3. See the Pen PoZLpbp by ihatetomatoes (@ihatetomatoes) on CodePen GreenSock's own ScrollSmoother is a smooth-scrolling plugin built on top of ScrollTrigger, so it is totally integrated and super easy to use. just playing with greensock animation library and getting familiar with its api and idiosyncracies. 140 (Official Build) (64-bit) Operating System: Windows 11. 1 minute ago, ZachSaucier said: Yep. 19. let smoother = ScrollSmoother. Jun 2, 2020 · Yep. This will allow the page to scroll, but the fixed container won't move. easeOut}); You can change the ease to whatever you'd like. js, Gsap ScrollTrigger & some custom Javascript. In it there could be multiple elements placed at any 'x' position. May 12, 2021 · Another alternative would be to create a setTimeout and wait for the smooth scrollbar to be completely created before creating the scroll trigger instance. i used smooth scroll plugin from gsap. querySelector("#scroll-container") let height function setHeight Jul 13, 2022 · As of now, if you press the tab key three times (to get to box C), you'll see that the scrollbar doesn't update and there is no smooth scrolling. By default, the scroll trigger happen when the trigger element enters to the viewport. I've been trying to find a smooth scrolling solution for the entire page without sacrificing accessibility, especially on mobile devices. See the Pen gOgWELo by GreenSock ( @GreenSock) on CodePen. square", {. type: 'x', inertia: true, Oct 3, 2020 · It ends up happening that this will only work when you change the browser size. import styles from '. offset ('#formsection', 'top top'), duration: 3, ease: 'power4. I noticed that my notebook obviously has problems displaying scroll smoother smoothly. I actually do a lot of that stuff but with my own scroll magic. inOut'})}) The problem is that the #formsection can be taller or smaller than 100vh . registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const container = document. If animation is your top priority, GSAP SmoothScroller is the way to go. maxScroll(window), May 2, 2022 · window. I know is far from being the react-way, but that would definitely pinpoint the issue to the DOM not being ready when the GSAP code is executed. 10. Mar 1, 2022 · As set in the code above, the height of the scroll-wrapper (div) remains the same as the height set in the main page even after moving to the subpage. Dec 13, 2019 · Scrolling up works 100% perfectly (moving to and pausing on each . to(". 3D renders from Unsplash. See the Pen MRGyXq by phaneendravvk ( @phaneendravvk) on CodePen. damping: 0. But that doesn't work on resize. I also want to have a smooth scroll effect for the whole page, so I was happy to have found a nice workaround on codepen: gsap. Posted June 22, 2021. Sep 22, 2021 · Well the code you posted above is not from the ScrollTrigger-native smooth-scrolling approach - but trying to use smooth-scrollbar without loading their script. Using it, you can have complete control to define where your scroll animations start and end, animate anything (WebGL, canvas, SVG, DOM, whatever) on scroll, pin elements May 5, 2017 · Remove the commenting and then run it and notice the parallax scrolling animation is not smooth anymore. I am using that so that json remembers the location of the objects. So if the native scroll position is at 1000px (let's say that's the bottom) and then you suddenly change it to be at 1px (to loop it), ScrollSmoother says "okay, I better smooth that out going all the Jul 14, 2014 · Warning: Please note. It has a long list of features and has the most easy to use API of any scroll library (at least to me). Aug 26, 2016 · Sooo, I'm trying to play a little with ScrollTo plugin and ScrollMagic. min(. route"); routeBtn. It's part of a bigger project and I tool only what's necessary. To add a trigger property, use the syntax below: trigger: "element". By Dovisally May 9, 2020 in The ScrollTrigger instance that ScrollSmoother created internally to manage the smooth scrolling effect of the page. Here is a simplified code example how it should be done. Every project should do that. defaults( { scroller:". playbackRate. We can use the onDragStart and onDragEnd options on our Draggable instance to do that: const draggableInstance = Draggable. 8. This scripts working fine with normal projects but unfortunately, when i used it with vue JS the scrolling is not working like the above one. Oct 25, 2023 · Horizontal ScrollTrigger animations. I particularly like how they have a mistakes section with ways you can screw it up. When I remove all the sliders, the lags disappear. com/wa May 19, 2021 · Check out the tutorial and become more creative!Live version - https://flirtyflowers. slide). We can control like when the top/bottom/center of the trigger element reached a particular distance (top, bottom, center, or percentage value)from the viewport. Below is the code: Aug 8, 2017 · Chrome when using a normal mouse/mouse wheel is so horrendously juddery when scrolling these days. In any case, please edit your question to include a minimal, complete, and verifiable example of the issue that you're facing. You can use it as a template to jumpstart your development with this pre-built solution. It would be awesome if you can do this from your busy schedule. 2. One of the solutions I found was GSAP's ScrollSmoother plugin. js and gsap/scrollTrigger. Feb 2, 2024 · The animation should trigger when scrolling with SmoothScrollbar, smoothly animating the elements as defined in the GSAP animation. querySelector("#scroll-container"),// element container to scroll scrollEase:0. Jun 2, 2020 · Posted June 2, 2020. See the Pen poPzvrP by shahas-nizar ( @shahas-nizar) on CodePen. 1 1. Please help me on this one. - Image should be changed without any blink. I'm not sure if it is a GSAP issue or a ScrollMagic issue, or maybe it can be solved with the right CSS. com/nicu GSAP - core. 10! The new ScrollSmoother plugin makes smooth scrolling easy and accessible, and the Jan 3, 2022 · The first thing to do is to disable the ScrollTrigger instance when the user starts dragging the track, and re-enable it when the drag ends. <Scrollerref={scrollRef}> // this wrapper component with smooth scroll and scrollTrigger setUp <Headerscroller={scrollRef}/> // component need to animate in scroll </Scroller>. Jun 16, 2017 · I'm not against scrolling animations or parallaxing. Quite the opposite. scrollTo( { top: 100, left: 100, behavior: 'smooth' }); In my opinion, this would even be the cleaner solution, but in our context it does not work as desired. var scroller =new( { target: document. Aug 3, 2020 · ScrollSmoother adds a transform (to smooth the scroll) to a parent of your fixed position item, which causes it to loose its fixed position context. I have this '. See the Pen PoZLpbp by ihatetomatoes ( @ihatetomatoes) on CodePen. progress. create(track, {. I'd just set it with the defaults so you don't have to add that to every ScrollTrigger. Want to customize the animation to that scroll position? Use the offset () method to find the correct position, and feed it to a GSAP tween like: gsap. May 24, 2019 · Warning: Please note. GSAP version: 3. And if you are looking for a simple and user-friendly solution, Lenis Scroll is the perfect choice. We're not prepared to offer any official recommendations in that regard yet. See Codepen below. Now we’re Mar 25, 2021 · superpositif. 1,// scroll speed maxOffset:500}); With maxOffset set to 500, an element with a depth of 10 will move 500px. But this can be changed if you want. Thanks. Oct 7, 2019 · Limit the original scroll section to the bottom of the 5th section. - sometimes when scrolling down images got invisible on scroll. You might also see these threads for more info about this subject: 2. 0. Here is the final demo. Here is a fork of your codepen: Jul 10, 2023 · In today's video we are animating a small landing page with scroll animations. GSAP is an industry standard JavaScript animation library from GreenSock that lets you craft high-performance animations that work in every major browser. Jun 26, 2021 · I followed the following pen for using ScrollTrigger for smooth scroll. forEach( (elem) => { elem. php, index. /page. Feb 18, 2022 · And On scroll up conversation image animation starts from first. And when it updates, you also update the scroll position of the page. // don't let it go beyond the maximum scrollable area. For example, to scroll to 400 pixels from the top and 200 Jan 28, 2021 · It’s tightly integrated with all the other animation possibilities of GSAP (e. This means that the circle will only move towards the x-axis when we reach the specified Jun 22, 2021 · 10. Initiate a GSAP animation that targets the sections (panels) for horizontal scrolling. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. But I am not able to getting it. 3. See the Pen eYpGLYL by GreenSock ( @GreenSock ) on CodePen Mar 6, 2023 · There are pros and cons to ScrollSmoother and Lenis for sure, Lenis is nice as you can use position sticky and cmd+f, that's a big pro! But it doesn't smooth all inputs like ScrollSmoother, it only smooths wheel, if you drag the scrollbar or use the spacebar or tab to navigate it isn't smoothed at all. Although it does work perfectly with normal scrolling, I can't seem to make it work while using the SmoothScrollbar. Browser: Chrome Version 121. Red color is header which needs to behave as sticky header. js. const routeBtn = document. Explore this online React + GSAP SmoothScroll sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. 4 and it's perfect). As I understand it happens on less powerful computers. You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. ScrollTrigger, InertiaPlugin, SplitText, CustomEase. It also manages the smooth scroll which is very simply done with Locomotive Scroll v5. If you are seeing the same results with GSAP and other ActionScript techniques, I'm fairly confident you have just hitting a limitation of Flash. All it does it animate values. create({}); let nativeScrollVelocity = smoother. Any ideas would be great, thanks! Apr 19, 2019 · 4. Hi GSAP Team, Could i get assistance in making the smooth sticky header scrolling. Overall, I'd like to know how to add triggers in a horizontal mode. Posted August 3, 2022. 1. dv jw fm ey jl fk ke is sp mf